Sunday, April 8, 2007

Poor Rossi, he runs all night in the ball. as much as i believe that exercise is important won't the poor animal be claustroprobic in that orange ball the whole night. hopefully for that reason when he is given 5m of open space to run on the thurs he will go weeee.... and run like the wind. but carrots are good for him and am glad that he is eating healthy for the big race. we cannot destroy his health. i mean Dan doesn't even drink soft drinks before her race. so that's good

[[ 5:59 PM ]]

i love hamsters`

have you heard about andrea's and vanessa's effort in making the circuit. these girls are so on the ball. they really want the circuit to be the best that it can be. they are even going to take the hamster home to try it out first. what a good precaution to take. i think that they must have had the most productive weekend. more productive than me who actually didn't blog that much( not at all). but knowing that my fellow team- mates are working so hard i will look forward to writing in my blog why we won, or rather how all the other groups are inferior to us.

[[ 5:49 PM ]]

i love hamsters`
